alex tests

“When a gentleman is tired of London he is tired of life” –  Samuel Johnson

If London where to be described in property terms she would be a super-structure built on Roman foundations  – each layer being applied steadily – marked by history, creating London as we know it today – the perfect binding of past & present.

The most prized locations in London have a combined property value of $1 Trillion.

The Number One Shopping destination in the world – $100 Billion annually.

Green space covers 40 of London, making it the world’s greenest major city

The Shard (310m) tallest residential building in the EU.

One Hyde Park (£135 m) most expensive apartment in the world

1 LONDON 2 Opera Houses  3 Olympic Games 4 UNESCO  sites 6 International Airports  43 Universities  66 Michelin Stars  72 Nobel  Laureates  173 Museums  300 Languages  349 Live Music Venues  566 Cinema Screens  857 Art Galleries 4500 Pubs & Bars  7000 Animals in London Zoo 11388 Comedy Performances 37450 Restaurants . . .